Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 30

Hi Daddy! I had a good day today.  I did not want to go to sleep last night until almost 10:00- I kept crying in my bed, so finally Mimi took me out and I did a big poop at 9:30! After that I felt better and I went to sleep.  I still woke up at 7:00 today- after breakfast Mimi made soup for her friend who was coming for lunch and then we went outside to play.  It was so nice out- sunny and 35 degrees! One of my nice snow boots got a broken zipper so my boot kept falling off in the snow.  I played in my sled- Mimi pulled me and I rode it down the little hill in the backyard.  I found out that snow is good to eat too! When we came inside I had some soup and mangoes for lunch- I was so tired that I went to sleep at 12:00 and then Mimi's friend came with her 3 kids.  I never got to see them because I slept for 4 hours! I think I was tired because I stayed up so late last night.  I was very happy when I woke up.  We had pork and rice and salad for dinner- I didn't eat salad, just strawberries.  After dinner we went out in the car to look at Christmas lights- I love to see them because they are so pretty! Then we went to the store to look for more boots- we went to a lot of places, but no one has boots anymore!  Mimi said she will have to look on the internet.
Here are some pictures of me playing with Pop-pop last night- I hope you had a good day- maybe we can talk to you tomorrow.
Eu ti amo Daddy! Karina
Pop-pop was being my horsie!

I wanted to try some wine but Pop-pop said I am too little

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

christmas lights at Grandma and Grandpa's house in NJ

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

movies from today, Dec. 28

playing in the snow with Pop pop on the sled

New Jersey pictures- playing in the snow, too

December 28

Hi Daddy- sorry we haven't written anything for awhile.  We have been so busy with Christmas celebrating- it was so much fun! The only thing that was not good about Christmas was that you were not here with us.  I got a lot of presents- Peter gave me some Japanese toys, Frankie gave me a doggie in a pocketbook and Santa gave me other toys, like some blocks to build with and a kitty cat piano and some books and dvd's.  Jane gave me a new pocketbook with lipstick and a phone and keys, and other people in the family gave me some cute clothes.  I had a bad cold on Christmas and Mimi and Pop-pop didn't know if we should go to New Jersey, but we decided to go in the afternoon.  We went to Aunt Daniele's house- there were so many people there and lots of good food! I had fun playing with their doggie and with all the kids.  The next day we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house and there was another party, but not so many people.  It started to snow in the afternoon and snowed until the next morning- about 18 inches! There was so much snow in New York City that people couldn't drive their cars- 400 people got stuck on a train for the whole night! In Central park there was 24 inches of snow! Anyway, we stayed with Grandma and Grandpa all day on Sunday and on Monday we went to Aunt Daniele's house again and I got to play with 9 of my cousins there.  They all love me because I am so cute! We drove home last night with Uncle Peter and Uncle Frank in the car- there was no room in the car- too many people and too much stuff! Today I was a little tired from all the fun I had in New Jersey- Uncle Frankie had to go back to work and I miss him, but it's good that Uncle Peter is still here.  I love playing with my Uncles.  I went outside and played in the snow with Pop-pop this afternoon- it was really fun.  Then we went to the store and when we came home I had beef and rice and mangoes.  Now I am watching Big Bird and then I have to go to bed- I am very tired!
Mimi showed me your pictures on Facebook - I really love your motorcycle! I hope you can take me for a ride on it sometime. I liked your Christmas pictures.  Aunt Diana is so pretty!
I hope I can talk to you soon on the computer- I love you!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 23

Hi Daddy! Today was a busy day! We slept until 8:00 because we were so tired from picking Peter up at the airport last night.  It snowed so much that the plane came to Boston 3 hours late.  We had to wait a long time.  I was good at the airport- we had some dinner and then I got to run around and play.  I saw some doggies and we saw alot of Brazilian people getting ready to go on a plane to Brazil.  It was fun to see Uncle Peter again- I was a little shy because I didn't see him for a long time.  On the way home we picked Frankie up and it was so fun to have both of my Uncles in the car! I was very silly, and everyone thought it was because I was so tired, but I was happy!  I didn't go to bed until almost 12:00, so I was tired today.  In the morning I took a bath and then my friends Bonnie and Bruce came with their parents to visit.  We had alot of fun playing.  After that I took a long nap and when I woke up I played with Uncle Frankie and Uncle Peter.  We got Thai food for dinner- I ate alot, especially my rice!  It was so fun to talk to you tonight- I miss you!  Mimi read me some Christmas stories tonight and then I kissed everyone goodnight and went right to bed.  We tried to call you so I could say good-night to you too, but maybe you were already sleeping.
Here are some pictures from my fun day.
Bruce and I were playing the piano together

We were all playing in the kitchen

I wanted to drink Bruce's juice because I liked his cup alot!

Giving Uncle Frankie a kiss!

Playing with Uncle Peter and Bebe by the fire

I love Uncle Peter's laptop! He shows me lots of funny things on it!
I hope I can see your family on the computer tomorrow! Have a good sleep Daddy- I love you! xoxo Karina

Monday, December 20, 2010

It is snowing!!! December 20

Right after we stopped talking to you on the computer we saw that it was snowing outside! We went outside and I loved it- it was so pretty.  Mimi said that she always cries at the first snow- it is so beautiful.  Here are some pictures.  Even though I was excited about the snow I went inside and went right to sleep- I was very tired because I was up late last night!
Good night Daddy- eu ti amo!!

Holly is so happy that it is snowing!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

December 19- still no snow!!

Hi Daddy- today it was supposed to snow here but it never did.  It was cloudy and cold and all day we thought it would snow, but nothing!  Now they say maybe on Tuesday or Wednesday- we'll believe it when we see it!
I had fun with Brittani last night.  We practiced counting in Portuguese.  We can go up to 5.  I was a good girl but I did not want to go to sleep.  Mimi and Pop-pop didn't get home until almost 10:00, so I stayed up very late! I was a good girl in Church this morning, and I was so tired that I fell asleep before it was over.  I slept until about 2:30 and when I woke up I went outside to play with Pop-pop.  Mimi was baking Christmas cookies.  I will bring them to Hilary's tomorrow because she is having a Christmas party.  I am having my friend Bonnie over to play on Thursday- she is coming with her Mommy, who is Mimi's friend. 
Tonight Mimi and Pop-pop had friends come over for dinner- I was a good girl, but I didn't want to go to bed.  I kept crying so Mimi let me get out of bed and I did a Big Poop.  I felt better after that and went right to sleep, but it was late again- 10:00!  Maybe I'll sleep late in the morning so Mimi can sleep too.  We'll see.
We tried to call you today- sorry we couldn't talk to you.  We missed you!  Maybe you got to see your Mom and Dad- that would be good.
Hope we can talk to you tomorrow- love, your cute little daughter, Karina

Friday, December 17, 2010


Santa's Enchanted Village

I wanted to pet that Kitty!

and I wanted to ride on that horsey!

You can't see it in the picture, but there was real snow falling down on us! It was so pretty.

Cute little monkey...

I like this Santa better than the real one. I am a little afraid of him- I don't want to sit on his lap!

This was a chair that I loved in the store! Mimi wanted to get it for me, but Pop-pop said NO, Nina can't have everything she wants!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

December 16

Hi Daddy-
It was so good to see you again today! Even though I am silly sometimes, I am always happy to see you on the computer.  Tonight I went to Chili's for dinner with Mimi and Pop-pop.  I ate alot of food- rice and beans, oranges, hot dog, apple juice!  I was a good girl in the restaurant.  After we ate I got some pretty black shoes to wear for Christmas.  I will show them to you tomorrow.  It was fun in the shoe store- I love shoes!  On the way home we rode around in the car and looked at Christmas lights on peoples houses.  When we got home Mimi and I did some dancing in the kitchen and then Pop-pop played his guitar for me and we sang songs.  It was fun.
I have to go to bed now- I'll see you tomorrow!
I love you! Karina

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

In these movies I am shaking my bootie to Christmas songs and playing with Beebee- we got her a new ball at Target and she loves it!!

Dancing in the kitchen- I like to look at myself in the oven door!

December 14

Hi Daddy!
Today was VERY cold! It was kind of warm yesterday (in the 30's) but today was in the 20's.  It snowed a little bit- they call it snow showers.  I have been a good girl- I have been sleeping very well, and eating alot of food and I have been very happy, at Hilary's and at home.  Today my mom came to Mimi's house and took me out shopping- I was a little bit grouchy because I don't like to shop very much, so my Mom brought me home.  Mimi had to go out tonight, so I had a fun night with Pop-pop- we had a good dinner, chicken, corn and rice, and he read me a lot of books and I did a Big Poop and I had a bath.  I went right to bed like a good girl. 
I miss talking to you on the computer- when the phone rings I ask Mimi, Daddy? I like to talk to you on my play phone too.  I hope we can talk to you again soon!
I love you- xoxo- Karina

Sunday, December 12, 2010

My weekend- December 11 and 12

Hi Daddy! I had a really fun weekend- I did alot of things.  Yesterday I went with Mimi and Pop-pop to get a Christmas tree.  We picked one out and when I took my nap Mimi decorated it.  I love it- it is so beautiful! I have been a good girl and haven't touched it yet.  Mimi put decorations on the bottom of the tree that I can't break, because I think I might have to touch it soon! I love listening to Christmas music and seeing all the pretty lights.  Now I want it to snow! It was nice on Saturday- not too cold and nice and sunny, so we could go outside.  Today when we woke up it was cold and rainy, so there was alot of ice on the road.  Pop-pop had to drive very slowly to church.  I was such a good girl in church today Daddy- Mimi said I was a 9! We sat in the front so I could watch the priest and he could watch me and be sure I was being good.  After church I went home and had spaghetti for lunch and then I had a nap.  When I woke up we went to Boston- we had to go and see Jeannie's new ring that Uncle Frankie gave her because he wants to marry her! It is really pretty- I even got to try it on.  You can see how beautiful it looks on me in my picture.  I had a lot of fun at Uncle Frankie's apartment- we had pizza and watched football with his friends. I was very good.  Uncle Frankie asked Mimi, does she every cry? I love to laugh and play all the time!
I fell asleep on the way home and Pop-pop put me right in bed.  I missed you this weekend, but I hope you are having lots of fun with your family.  They must all be so happy to see you again!
Eu ti amo and Feliz Natal!!
You need to teach me more Portuguese- I am learning so many new things every day- it is easy for me to learn right now!
xoxo- Karina
Picking out a Christmas tree

This is the one!

Big cat in a little basket

Our beautiful tree!

Hanging out with Aunt Jeannie!

How does the big diamond look on me?

Friday, December 10, 2010

December 10

Hi Daddy- today it was still cold outside.  I woke up at 7:00 and had waffles and blueberries for breakfast.  Mimi had to work this morning, so I went to Hilary's house with my friends.  I had a good time and I was a good girl.  I ate all my lunch and had a good nap and then Mimi picked me up.  She got me a new Elmo movie- I loved it!  I was very happy today- I played with all my toys and did a lot of dancing.  I even helped Mimi in the kitchen, emptying the dishwasher and feeding the dogs.  I like to throw things in the sink now.  When I finish drinking my juice I run in the kitchen and throw my empty cup in the sink.  I am such a big girl!When Pop-pop came home we had dinner- I ate a lot of pasta, my favorite! Then we all went to Target. I wanted new toys, but Mimi said no, Daddy says you have too many toys! I think that Santa will bring some to me for Christmas.  I was a very good girl at the store- on the way home we looked at Christmas lights on peoples houses- I like to say- ooohhh, pitty lights!!
I heard some stories and said my prayers and went right to bed when I got home- I was very tired from my busy day!
I hope that you are having fun on the farm with your mommy and daddy- I wish I could go there so I could see them and all their animals! I love you!!
Love, Karina

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I really like my Brazilian cookies!

Making a Christmas picture for Daddy

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

more outside pictures-

Looking for big poops!

Cutest little girl ever.

Sshhhhhh- quiet big truck.

Pop-pop's wood for the fire.

December 8

Hi Daddy!
Today was very cold, and it is supposed to be even colder tomorrow! I still wanted to go outside this afternoon so Mimi got all my warm clothes on and we played in the yard.  I love to run very fast- here are some pictures!

Look how fast I am!!
oops- I fell down!

Holly does not want to share her toy with me.
I was a very good girl today.  I ate all my food and took a big nap and played very nicely with my toys.  Mimi went to church tonight and while Pop-pop watched me I played with play-doh for a long time.  I did a big poop when you were on the phone with  Mimi and I got a little red rash on my bottom, but Mimi put cream on it and it feels OK.  I have dry skin from the cold weather, so Mimi puts cream all over me in the morning and at night.  She doesn't want me to get itchy!
I love you and hope I can see you in the morning.  Don't worry- when you go to see your parents we'll write to you every day and tell you what I am doing!
xoxo- Karina

movies and...

more movies...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pizza face!

Talking to daddy on my Banana phone.

December 7

Hi Daddy- I woke up very early again today- at 5:30!  I got to watch Sesame Street in bed with Mimi and Pop-pop, and then got ready to go to Hilary's house.  I was so happy when you called so I could see you on the computer! I missed you- I kept pretending to talk to you on the phone and I love looking at our Elf dance on Facebook.  Mimi says you are a cute elf, but I think I am cuter than you! I was tired at Hilary's so I was a little grouchy and then I wasn't very happy when Mommy picked me up in the afternoon.  I was OK though when I went home and played with my toys.  I helped Mimi make a special Christmas surprise for you and then had my dinner- pizza and grapes!  I played more after dinner and had a bath and then heard some stories and said my prayers and went right to bed like a good girl. Every night we pray that you can come back home to us.
I'll talk to you tomorrow- I love you!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

December 6

I am feeding my elf a strawberry!

Don't I look so cute with my pigtails?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I saw Santa today!

Hi Daddy!
Today I did not go to Church because I was too tired! I woke up very early and by the time we were supposed to leave I was ready for my nap- at 10:15.  So Mimi had to go all by herself.  When I woke up we went Christmas shopping at the mall- I had a lot of fun. Everyone thought I was so cute! I saw Santa- I did not sit on his lap, but he waved to me! When we got home I took a bath with Big Bird and then went straight to bed- I was very tired from all that shopping! We got a present for you- I hope you like it.  Mimi will mail it soon- we hope you get it by Christmas.
We think you must be at your parent's farm- that's why we can't talk to you.  It is sad that we can't see you, but we think about you all the time.  Today I was talking to you on my play phone!
How do you say Merry Christmas in Portuguese? And how do you say Santa Claus?
Good night- I love you!!!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

December 4

Hi Daddy!

Last night I slept at my Mom's.  Mimi cried a little because she missed me, but I was OK.  I came home around 9:00 and I was so happy to see everything! I ran around the house looking at everything- Holly, Beebee, the cats, my toys, my bed, the cuckoo clock, my toys- I was so happy to see everything! Mimi wasn't home much today, but I had lots of fun with Pop-pop.  We did all take a walk this afternoon- here are some pictures. 

I played in the backyard after and helped Pop-pop look for poops. It was so cold out so when I came inside I sat by the fire in my new robe and drank hot chocolate.   I had pasta with meatballs for dinner and took my bath and watched Big Bird.  When Pop-pop said, OK, time for bed! I went up the stairs all by myself and tried to get into my bed- it was too hard, so Pop-pop had to put me in.  I was so tired, and happy to be back in my nice bed, so I went right to sleep!
I hope we can talk to you on the computer tomorrow.  I miss you very much- eu ti amo!!